
In any large project keeping track of the code can be a problem and one of the main tools to help in this is a well documented list of the classes and functions created in the project.

The gdscript2rest application is designed to take code comments such as in the following sample taken from GDQuest/godot-design-patterns:

# The model of the battery used in the
# simulation.
# .. warning:: This mode isn't at all accurate
#  and should not be used for any practicle
#  projects.

class_name BatteryEntity
extends Node2D

## Total amount of power the battery is able to hold
export var max_storage := 1000.0

## Actual amount of power currently in the battery
var stored_power := 0.0 setget _set_stored_power

onready var receiver := $PowerReceiver
onready var source := $PowerSource
onready var indicator := $Indicator

func _set_stored_power(value: float) -> void:
    stored_power = value

    # Make sure all nodes are ready
    if not is_inside_tree():
        yield(self, "ready")

    # Set receiver efficiency to 0 if already full, otherwise set it to a percentage
    # of power that it can still receive from its input capacity.
    receiver.efficiency = (
        if stored_power >= max_storage
        else min((max_storage - stored_power) / receiver.power_required, 1.0)

    # Set efficiency to 0 if battery is empty, otherwise set it to a percentage
    # that it can provide from its amount and output capacity, up to 100%
    source.efficiency = (0.0 if stored_power <= 0 else min(stored_power / source.power_amount, 1.0))

    # Update shader with power amount so the indicator is up to date with amount
    indicator.material.set_shader_param("amount", stored_power / max_storage)

## Reduce the amount of power in the battery by the power value per second
func _on_PowerSource_power_drawn(power: float, delta: float) -> void:
    self.stored_power = max(
        0, stored_power - min(power, source.power_amount * source.efficiency) * delta

## Increase the amount of power in the battery by the power value per second
func _on_PowerReceiver_power_received(power: float, delta: float) -> void:
    self.stored_power = min(max_storage, stored_power + power * delta)

and produce reStructuredText (.rst) files for incorporating into a Sphinx document as shown below.

../../_images/SampleEntityRst.png ../../_images/SampleEntityRst_2.png