Setting up

Setting up to give the look and feel of the Godot Documentation is fairly complex so I will just go over the important parts. A full file is available in the appendix and can be copied over to give you the correct set up. Just remember to change the Project information section to your requirements.

Basic changes

Changing the theme

The first thing is to change the theme this is done by setting

html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'

This will give it the general appearance of the Godot help files and your preview should change to match.

Finalising the look and feel

The above will give the basic functionality and if all you are creating is a basic document then that may well be sufficient. There are still differences between this and the Godot look and feel. In order to more closely approach the Godot look then a custom .css file has to be installed and Sphinx instructed to make use of it.

You can find an up to date copy of the .css file required at Godot cusom.css. A copy of this file at the time of writing is in Appendix B - custom css file

Create a new folder in the _static folder called css and store the custom.css file in there. Then alter to include:

# These paths are either relative to html_static_path
# or fully qualified paths (eg. https://...)
html_css_files = [

Additional enhancements

Correctly highlighting GDScript code snippets

If you want to see any gdscript code snippets highlighted correctly then they have to be shown in a ..code:: gdscript block and will display like this:

# The model of the battery used in the
# simulation.
# .. warning:: This mode isn't at all accurate
#  and should not be used for any practicle
#  projects.

class_name BatteryEntity
extends Node2D

## Total amount of power the battery is able to hold
export var max_storage := 1000.0

## Actual amount of power currently in the battery
var stored_power := 0.0 setget _set_stored_power

onready var receiver := $PowerReceiver
onready var source := $PowerSource
onready var indicator := $Indicator

func _set_stored_power(value: float) -> void:
    stored_power = value

An undefined lexing style ..code:: block will not highlight correctly and display like this:

# The model of the battery used in the
# simulation.
# .. warning:: This mode isn't at all accurate
#  and should not be used for any practicle
#  projects.

class_name BatteryEntity
extends Node2D

## Total amount of power the battery is able to hold
export var max_storage := 1000.0

## Actual amount of power currently in the battery
var stored_power := 0.0 setget _set_stored_power

onready var receiver := $PowerReceiver
onready var source := $PowerSource
onready var indicator := $Indicator

func _set_stored_power(value: float) -> void:
    stored_power = value

If you want your code snippets to default to the gdscript lexer then add the following to the file:

# Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use
pygments_style = "sphinx"
highlight_language = "gdscript"

Advanced options

There are many more options available for fine tuning the look and feel of your document but the above will give you a look not dissimilar to the Godot documentation. If you want to see the full range of options available then check out the Sphinx configuration documentation, the sphinx-rtd-theme documentation and the Godot Document source.